ohhh what a sunny day in Munich! I am sitting in a San Francisco coffee company, only here I have found free internet. I have just see my favourite place in this city- Marienplatz- of course I had to go into the H&M to buy some... I call it souvenirs.
my fligh to Stambul is at 9 pm so a lot of time for sunbathing.
keep in touch
and to not be bored some pre conference staff:
White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/intercultural/publication_whitepaper_id_EN.asp?
2010 Council of Europe Exchange on the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue - Report by Stephan Whittle, General Rapporteur https://wcd.coe.int/wcd/ViewDoc.jsp?Ref=CM/Inf%282010%2943&Language=lanEnglish&Ver=original&Site=COE&BackColorInternet=C3C3C3&BackColorIntranet=EDB021&BackColorLogged=F5D383
The 2010 Lisbon Forum General Conclusions.. http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/nscentre/LisbonForum/LFconclusionsFinales_en.pdf
Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGO) of the Council of Europe :
Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation in the Decision-Making Process http://www.coe.int/t/ngo/code_good_prac_EN.asp?
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