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Moje zdjęcie
I love traveling but only when I am comming back to Krakow. Drinking cafe, watching people,discuss about daily things.. just life. I like to travel around the world and participate in educational seminars, conferences and debates. I want to bring them closer to those who can't be there physically

piątek, 5 sierpnia 2011

Living together open application

Living Together
Combining diversity and freedom in 21st -century Europe
Strasbourg, 13-14 November 2011
The Forum is being held by the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGO) with the support of the Council of Europe. It builds on the outcome of the NGO Forum on “New multicultural challenges: how can NGOs play their part” which the Conference of INGOs organised on 24-25 March in Istanbul.


Living Together
Combining diversity and freedom in 21st -century Europe

Strasbourg, 13-14 November 2011

Application form

My NGO is interested in participating in the Civil Society Forum and suggests the following candidate :

Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms) ………………………………………………………………………

First name ……………………………… Family name ………………………………….


Organisation and country :

Postal address :

Telephone and mobile:



Working languages (proficiency is required in at least one of the working languages, English or French  English French

Please provide a brief description of your organisation and its objectives

Which workshop would you like to participate in?

First set of parallel thematic workshops on “Making Policy”

 Workshop 1 a Diversity and education

 Workshop 2 a Diversity and social cohesion

Second set of parallel thematic workshops on “Making Policy Work”

 Workshop 1 b Diversity and education

 Workshop 2 b Diversity and social cohesion

Describe briefly the activities undertaken by your NGO in the area covered by the workshop you have chosen

How could your NGO benefit from your participation in the Forum?

50 civil society representatives will be selected through this call for applications. The Council of Europe will cover travel and subsistence expenses.

Name and position of the person submitting the application:

Kindly return this form to Mrs Catherine Emezie by email: catherine.emezie@coe.int
by 9 september 2011 at the latest. Selected NGOs will be informed by end of September 2011.

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