O mnie

Moje zdjęcie
I love traveling but only when I am comming back to Krakow. Drinking cafe, watching people,discuss about daily things.. just life. I like to travel around the world and participate in educational seminars, conferences and debates. I want to bring them closer to those who can't be there physically

sobota, 27 sierpnia 2011

Minyanim seminar Tel Aviv

We came from " religious" Jerusalem to "flashy" Tel Aviv. As before, we were going to explore this city more and learn it's real face. Jerusalem showed as a full of life, vibrant city good not only for religious or old people. Tel Aviv during our tasks ( asking people on a street about their opinions) showed that Tel Aviv beside being in European style is also cruel, hard to live and in all this pretends to be modern. What can be discoverd, for ex. observing the architecture, Tel Aviv refers to tradition what I found suprising.
Saturday as a free day we spent on a beach, having fun in a water. Later we sat in a cafe and next to the music of Lady Gaga and Britney Spears ( :P) we had Havdala. Very modern, in our own style. Blessings we found in internet in our smartphones, we didn' have a wine but cafe latte. Nevertheless we waited for a right time and we used right words that are used since thousands of years. Our Havdala reflects the new jewish style of living of young people that search their identity in modernity. Then we said to ourselves Shavua Tov and went to have fun in " flashy" Tel Aviv.

czwartek, 25 sierpnia 2011

seminar Minyanim Israel

I am now on a seminar made by Sochnut. I am in Israel third time, in Jerusalem especially and only yesterday I realy had a chance to discover it's real face. Face of multiculturalism, religous levels different approach to art. I always had a stereotype of this city as religious one, serious, calm. Yesterday I just walk thru the city and could attend on many different music events. Behind every corner there was a stage with artists and in front full of energy audience that sang and danced. There is a festival also where different international groups expose their cultural products. I met there not only Israelis but people around the world.

I started to describe Jerusalem but the truth is that we spend a lot of time in the bus and travel a lot. First time in my life I got possibility to discover real soul of Israel. People, their life, interests, problems that they have to overcome.

5;15 - 3 days ago I woke up and with Eran and other few people we went to see sunrise on a Negev. It was still dark when we started to walk to Ramon. When we got there we sat and in silence we have waited for sunrise which was astonished. Negev a desert was so calm and seems to me be unconditional. With a sun that showed up above her, her image was even more completed. it was so easy to see that desert and sun can not be separated. There are one. Sun without desert can't show it's beauty and desert without sun is just dark spot on a map.

We met also Beduin women. What touched me even more is that the power of human is bigger that power of nature. She fight everyday with stereotypes, society, her friends when she goes to pre college in order to educate her self, open her eyes when other want them to be closed. Most of us have education for granted other need to fight for it. Struggels that this women tries to overcome are nothing compering to life on a desert.Overcoming cultural and social borders is happening every where even on a desert. We normally do not think about it in such a way. Politic, PR, media, minority and majority thats what is shown to us every day. But it is not inspiring it doesnt make us think we have enough of this empty talk. But when you go to Negev and listen to very modesty women that has a power in her self bigger than all politics taken together, you get inspired.

Half of our seminar/ spiritual trip thru Israel passed. We are going today to Tel Aviv. I hope to discover it again and in the same time for the first time.

środa, 10 sierpnia 2011

Maccabi Young Conference, Budapest on September 8-11, 2011.

Maccabi young leadership forum continues its activity in the spirit of the amazing European Maccabi Games and would like to invite you to participate in Maccabi Young Conference, which will take place in Budapest on September 8-11, 2011.

The conference aims to encourage the development of young leaders in Maccabi organizations around Europe, include you in local decision-making structures that affect young people and promote activities focusing on sport and Zionist-Jewish education.

You can read more information in the following link: Maccabi Young Conference 2011

If you are between 18 to 35 years old, living in Europe and there is a Maccabi organization in your country, this forum may be for you. If Jewish sport and Zionist-Jewish education are close to your heart and you want to influence others, then you should definitely contact us!

We will appreciate if you could assist us by forwarding this email to your friends whom you believe should join us.

With any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

Have a great day,


Michal Levy
European Maccabi Representative
+36 70 866 0870

piątek, 5 sierpnia 2011

Living together open application

Living Together
Combining diversity and freedom in 21st -century Europe
Strasbourg, 13-14 November 2011
The Forum is being held by the Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGO) with the support of the Council of Europe. It builds on the outcome of the NGO Forum on “New multicultural challenges: how can NGOs play their part” which the Conference of INGOs organised on 24-25 March in Istanbul.


Living Together
Combining diversity and freedom in 21st -century Europe

Strasbourg, 13-14 November 2011

Application form

My NGO is interested in participating in the Civil Society Forum and suggests the following candidate :

Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms) ………………………………………………………………………

First name ……………………………… Family name ………………………………….


Organisation and country :

Postal address :

Telephone and mobile:



Working languages (proficiency is required in at least one of the working languages, English or French  English French

Please provide a brief description of your organisation and its objectives

Which workshop would you like to participate in?

First set of parallel thematic workshops on “Making Policy”

 Workshop 1 a Diversity and education

 Workshop 2 a Diversity and social cohesion

Second set of parallel thematic workshops on “Making Policy Work”

 Workshop 1 b Diversity and education

 Workshop 2 b Diversity and social cohesion

Describe briefly the activities undertaken by your NGO in the area covered by the workshop you have chosen

How could your NGO benefit from your participation in the Forum?

50 civil society representatives will be selected through this call for applications. The Council of Europe will cover travel and subsistence expenses.

Name and position of the person submitting the application:

Kindly return this form to Mrs Catherine Emezie by email: catherine.emezie@coe.int
by 9 september 2011 at the latest. Selected NGOs will be informed by end of September 2011.