O mnie

Moje zdjęcie
I love traveling but only when I am comming back to Krakow. Drinking cafe, watching people,discuss about daily things.. just life. I like to travel around the world and participate in educational seminars, conferences and debates. I want to bring them closer to those who can't be there physically

środa, 30 marca 2011

Have one on me!

First person who will find me on a picture have one coffe or beer on me !

wtorek, 29 marca 2011

ATOQ - Szkolenie nt. jakości w projektach wymiany młodzieży, 15-20.05.2011 r., Holandia

ATOQ - Szkolenie nt. jakości w projektach wymiany młodzieży, 15-20.05.2011 r., Holandia

Nazwa szkolenia

Advanced Training on Quality (ATOQ)
dotyczy: Akcja 1.1. Wymiana Młodzieży

Czas i miejsce

Holandia 15-20.05.2011 r.

Kraje uczestniczące

Kraje Programu

Cel i tematyka

Celem szkolenia jest pogłębienie wiedzy i umiejętności dotyczących realizowania wymian młodzieży. Zagadnienia poruszane na spotkaniu będą dotyczyć także kwestii merytorycznych wymian (m.in. rozwoju narzędzi międzykulturowego uczenia się, wzmocnienia zaangażowania młodych ludzi w każdej fazie projektu, ewaluacji, zarządzania w sytuacjach kryzysowych). Uczestnicy szkolenia będą mieć również możliwość podzielenia się swoimi doświadczeniem związanymi z realizacją wymian młodzieży.


Szkolenie jest skierowane do osób, które:

* mają doświadczenie w realizacji projektów wymiany młodzieży w Programie MŁODZIEŻ i "Młodzież w działaniu" (przynajmniej 1 projekt)
* mają ukończone 18 lat
* bezpośrednio pracują z grupą młodzieży
* wraz ze swoją grupa planują dalsze projekty wymian
* znają język angielski w stopniu umożliwiającym aktywne uczestnictwo w szkoleniu


Aplikację należy wypełnić tutaj

Termin aplikowania mija 1. kwietnia 2011 r.

O wynikach selekcji poinformujemy po 11. kwietnia 2011 r.

Warunki uczestnictwa

Koszty podróży zwrócone będą uczestnikom przez Narodową Agencję po zakończeniu szkolenia i przekazaniu raportu. Uczestnicy są zobowiązani do opłacenia całkowitych kosztów podróży oraz ubezpieczenia (z miejsca zamieszkania do lotniska, przelot międzynarodowy i przejazd do miejsca szkolenia).

W przypadku gdyby, po zatwierdzeniu uczestnictwa, koszt dojazdu był przeszkodą we wzięciu udziału w szkoleniu prosimy o kontakt wkrasuska@frse.org.pl

Koszty zakwaterowania, wyżywienia i programu pokrywa Holenderska Narodowa Agencja.

Serve Abroad with JDC

Serve Abroad with JDC

Inside Jewish Cuba
JDC national young professionals study trip to Havana, Cuba, September 1-5, 2011.

This unique study opportunity will take a select group of Jewish young professionals, post-college age, to gain exclusive insight into Cuba's incredible rebirth of Jewish life. Visit the Island's historic synagogues and Jewish institutions, and explore what it means to support Jewish life in Communist Cuba through exclusive briefings and meetings with community leaders.

Email globalservice@jdcny.org for more information and to request an application.

Inside Ethiopia
JDC national young professionals service trip to Ethiopia, October 26 - November 4, 2011.

This unique service opportunity will take a select group of Jewish young professionals, post-college age, to understand Ethiopia’s current challenges first-hand, and what it takes to create strong, sustainable international community development. Contribute to JDC's critical humanitarian interventions in the areas of potable water, education, and health.

Email globalservice@jdcny.org for more information and to request an application.

Apply now!
The JDC Jewish Service Corps
Looking for an authentic service opportunity overseas, responding to Jewish and humanitarian needs? The JDC Jewish Service Corps (JSC) is a year-long, paid, professional opportunity for recent college graduates and young professionals to directly engage with JDC's global mission and actively fulfill the value of Jewish responsibility.

Apply now. We are accepting applications through March 31. Learn more and apply at http://jdc.org/jsc.

poniedziałek, 28 marca 2011

Konkurs Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych na najlepszy projekt -„Polska dla wszystkich”

Szanowni Państwo,

Uprzejmie informuję, iż w dniu 21 marca br. ogłoszony został Konkurs Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych na najlepszy projekt zrealizowany w ramach ogólnokrajowej akcji „Polska dla wszystkich” organizowanej w dniu 14 października 2011 roku z inicjatywy koalicji przeciwko antysemityzmowi.

Zapraszam do składania wniosków oraz przekazywania informacji o konkursie osobom/instytucjom, które według Państwa mogą być zainteresowaną akcją „Polska dla wszystkich”. Więcej informacji oraz regulamin konkurs znajdą Państwo na stronie http://polskadlawszystkich.pl/

Zapraszam również do komentowania naszej akcji oraz zamieszczania postów, które mogą się wiązać z jej tematyką na facebook’u pod adresem http://www.facebook.com/pages/Polska-dla-wszystkich/192595127446580

Szeregi Koalicji Razem Przeciwko Antysemityzmowi otwarte są dla wszystkich, którym bliskie są cele naszej grupy. Koalicja zawiązała się 19 kwietnia 2010 roku w Lublinie. Nie jest to w jakikolwiek sposób sformalizowane stowarzyszenie – łączy nas jedynie wspólnota poglądów i chęć współdziałania. Nie obawiamy się, że możemy być dla siebie konkurencją; wręcz przeciwnie – chcemy się dzielić doświadczeniami, uzupełniać i w ten sposób wzmacniać oddziaływanie społeczne. Każda organizacja i osoba prywatna może dołączyć do Koalicji. Wystarczy taką chęć wyrazić w odpowiedzi na niniejszą wiadomość (i ew. dołączyć link do swojej strony www oraz logo w formacie jpg).

Forza Polonia per tutti!


Sebastian Rejak

“Faith Shorts”, the Tony Blair Faith Foundation’s global film competition has opened for entries.

Faith Shorts 2011 gives young people between the ages of 14 and 18 the opportunity to express what their faith means to them in their own words and take this to the global stage by winning the chance to see their film premiered at a ceremony at the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA).

You can find all the details of the competition at www.faithshorts.org.uk or watch the film below.

We would greatly appreciate it if you might be able to forward the information about the Faith Shorts competition to your network both in the UK and across the globe and have attached a poster and press release to this email.


The films will be judged by a high profile panel including Tony Blair. Hollywood stars Hugh Jackman and Jet Li, Bollywood star Anil Kapoor, Oscar winning producer Nik Powell and Lord Puttnam, former FOX studio President Sherry Lansing, Deepak Verma of Pukkanasha films, religious leaders including Rabbi David Rosen and the Grand Mufti of Bosnia and many more.

So what is Faith Shorts 2011 looking for?

We are looking for films from young people about how their faith or beliefs inspire them. Find out more about the competition’s three categories in the attached poster or on our website.

The competition is designed to be as accessible as possible and if young people don’t have access to film making equipment they can win a portable video camera at www.faithshorts.org.uk.

The winners of Faith Shorts 2011 will win an all-expenses paid trip to London with their parent or guardian to accept their awards at BAFTA. The winners will be taken on a personal tour of the National Film and Television School by the school’s director, Oscar-winning producer and Faith Shorts judge, Nik Powell and attend a film workshop in Manchester. The overall winner will have the opportunity to make an edit a film with a professional crew.

Last year’s competition:

Last year we were overwhelmed by the inspirational entries we received from around the world. They came from five continents and from Sikh, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jewish and Humanist backgrounds. The winners ranged from a young girl in Jordan finding forgiveness after terrorist attacks in her country to an American inspired by the solace and resolve faith offered his mother and best friend in difficult times.

Closing date:

The competition is open till the 1st July 2011, but young people can send in their film from today.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries,

With many thanks and best wishes,

Thea Tomison

Seminar in Poland „Third Generation E ncounter” Tamar

TaMaR Poland
Pl. Bankowy 2/1914
00-095 Warszawa
Seminar „Third Generation E ncounter”

Project description
Warsaw, Poland
28.04 – 01.05

Seminar overview
The seminar is a pilot project of TaMaR Poland focused on expanding the Jewish
educational programming and community development schemes. Its target group is Jewish young adults 18-35 – visiting from abroad and those based in Poland. The seminar seeks to facilitate an encounter of the visiting groups with the Polish Jewish community in a setting that allows for a meaningful learning experience to take place. The programme creates an opportunity to learn from various educators and individuals working in Poland. Both the formal and the informal encounter will enable the participants to learn about the contemporary Polish society and its Jewish community. The polish participants, on the other hand, will benefit from taking on a role of a host community. Lastly, we are aiming to create a
framework of Jewish learning that resonates with and empowers the needs of young adults.
Seminar Mission Statement
 To enhance Jewish educational programming focused on the Holocaust by employing
educators working in Poland
 To facilitate an encounter of the visiting groups with the Polish Jewish community and foster networking opportunities
 To enable participants to take part in Holocaust commemoration ceremonies (Yom
HaShoah and March of the Living) outside of an institutional framework
Seminar structure
The seminar is scheduled to take place on the 28.04 – 01.05 in Warsaw and is
constructed as an alternative to a delegation-type trip. It aims to expose participants to the complexities surrounding history, Shoah memory and the building of personal identity. It directly seeks to move away from binary narratives of Jewish history and identity built on the 1 fear of “the other.” A distinguishable feature of the seminar will be learning, among other,from educators (by this we mean rabbis, professors, researchers, writers, activists, etc.) based in Poland. Furthermore, there will also be space for presentations and activities of the Polish
young adults, represented by both TaMaR activists and the MiNYanim group (Sochnut
organized leadership training for young adults from across Poland). Being a TaMaR
organized seminar we seek to, above all, give voice to and empower Jewish young adults within the bigger Jewish community framework. The seminar will end the day before Yom HaShoa Day and the March of the Living and will give the participants a chance to take part in and experience those ceremonies intimately, outside of an institutional framework. However TaMaR Poland will offer help with the making of the necessary arrangements.
Seminar agenda
The seminar will commence late afternoon on a Thursday 28th April with an informal
icebreaking and a movie screening. The following morning on Friday 29th April, we will travel to Treblinka Concentration Camp and return to the hotel in time to prepare for a Kabbalat Shabbat service. On Saturday we will begin the day with a discussion panel, hosting young adults. This will be followed by four block of study sessions. Each study block will have an option of 3 - 4 different workshops to choose from. They will take a format of either a lecture, presentation, movie followed with a discussion or a creative workshop. The day will be concluded with a socializing event after we’ve done Havdala. On Sunday we will have one more session and will shortly leave for a tour of Jewish Warsaw. The seminar will end there.
Focus of the educational content of the seminar
The four Saturday study blocks will each focus on the following areas of study –
1. Post-Shoah culture and education
2. Jewish history in Poland pre 1989 (incl. pre-war, Shoah, Communism)
3. Israel-Diaspora connection (identity, culture, community relations, etc.)
4. Contemporary Polish Jewish community (post 1989) –
· presentations and activities prepared by the MiNYanim group
· conversations on the sofa with the rabbis working in Poland

The Center for Holokaust Studies at UJ

niedziela, 27 marca 2011

fotos istambul

Summer School in Lwów for polish speaking people and Open University of Shalom Fundation

report Istambul 2011

Ok so I ma finally back in Krakow.

Conference was done very well from organization side. Ofcourse as usual on such meetings some workshops were late but in general everything was reconsider and on high level.
I am glad that I had oportunity to meet people from European Council, speak with them about general contemporary problems which we weight up during our classes and workshops.

Mostly we spoke about the role of NGO'S in contemoprary issues wit multiculturalism. I asked the question about dominant and marginal discurse which I find very crucial in NGO's work that have to conform with guidelines given by EU. I didn't get the clear answer on that but mostly people agree with question also finding it important.

During my group wokshops I with my group realized that Europe is not prepared to tackle the challange of migration and new different cultures because of lack of these components in our historical background.

We think that needs are:

more open communication- getting to know each other in terms of cultures
exposure to education- especiall kids in low age. First it should start from unformal aeduction and then to formal, muliculturalism as a legal part of education through legislations)
Living with different cultures
Monitoring of situation in Europe- we should know where, when and who comes to Europe, what are he needs of those people? Where they leave, what is their educational process....

Future Projects:

Preschool education not only for kids but also parents. We should teach about multicultural sensitivity.

Parents should know how to establish NGO, start projects that would become part of the system
New Platforms of communication
Secial institution with lawyers that would give feeling of security
Media- space for marginal discurs of minorities , more objective media sources
Security of social media? How to do that?

Educational meetings
Train Leaders
Platform of communication
Business community involvement
Public Discussion in media
Partnering: barter cooperation between media and local community

I also have found some time to see the city. It is huge and astonishing! I just saw city center with mosques. Unfortunately I couldn;t go in because of late hours. I had opportunity to go into Blue Mosque which is absolutely superb.

We also had a lunch on a boat. For four hours we were sailing but for me it wad definitely to much! Two hours would be enough especially that on the boat was cold and I a lot of people wanted to have just a walk around the city.

Thanks to organisers for invitation and custody thru all conference.

Fotos later

Please ask questions If you are inerested in details

sobota, 26 marca 2011

almost in cracow

I am going to be in Cracow today at 11 pm, now I am in Munich, waiting for flight. Please forgive me but description of conference will be published tommorow not today. Why I have not updated infos as I have promissed? Simple.. Turkish goverment ban blogspot.com and I couldn't get on my blog even to say hello to you and ask what would you like me to buy for you from duty free shop.

see you tommorow

Kisses to all

środa, 23 marca 2011

sunny munich

ohhh what a sunny day in Munich! I am sitting in a San Francisco coffee company, only here I have found free internet. I have just see my favourite place in this city- Marienplatz- of course I had to go into the H&M to buy some... I call it souvenirs.

my fligh to Stambul is at 9 pm so a lot of time for sunbathing.

keep in touch

and to not be bored some pre conference staff:

White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/intercultural/publication_whitepaper_id_EN.asp?

2010 Council of Europe Exchange on the religious dimension of intercultural dialogue - Report by Stephan Whittle, General Rapporteur https://wcd.coe.int/wcd/ViewDoc.jsp?Ref=CM/Inf%282010%2943&Language=lanEnglish&Ver=original&Site=COE&BackColorInternet=C3C3C3&BackColorIntranet=EDB021&BackColorLogged=F5D383

The 2010 Lisbon Forum General Conclusions.. http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/nscentre/LisbonForum/LFconclusionsFinales_en.pdf

Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations (INGO) of the Council of Europe :
Code of Good Practice for Civil Participation in the Decision-Making Process http://www.coe.int/t/ngo/code_good_prac_EN.asp?

poniedziałek, 21 marca 2011


Częściowe stypendium – seminarium o Holokauście w Izraelu

10-28 lipca 2011

Ambasada Izraela zaprasza do nadsyłania zgłoszeń uczestnictwa w Międzynarodowym Seminarium „Uczyć o Szoah i Antysemityzmie”, organizowanym przez Instytut Yad Vashem w Jerozolimie. Seminarium prowadzone w języku angielskim jest skierowane do edukatorów, zajmujących się tematyką polsko-żydowską i polsko-izraelską (więcej informacji).

Strona izraelska co roku przyznaje jedno stypendium dla uczestnika z Polski, pokrywające opłatę za kurs, zakwaterowanie i wyżywienie oraz częściowe kieszonkowe. (UWAGA: koszt przelotu we własnym zakresie).

Osoby zainteresowane otrzymaniem stypendium prosimy o nadesłanie do dn. 10 kwietnia 2011 r. wniosku, składającego się z następujących dokumentów w języku angielskim: formularz zgłoszeniowy, list motywacyjny oraz CV. List rekomendacyjny będzie dużym plusem. W tym roku preferowani będą nauczycieli licealni i gimnazjalni.
Zgłoszenia należy nadsyłać drogą elektroniczną do p. Ewy Rudnik z Departamentu Edukacji na adres education@warsaw.mfa.gov.il

JOB in education for polish speaking people

Praca dla koordynatora/koordynatorki projektu

Fundacja Partners Polska poszukuje koordynatora/koordynatorki trzyletniego
projektu edukacji rozwojowej finansowanego przez Komisję Europejską – „MDG15”.
Głównym celem tej międzynarodowej inicjatywy realizowanej równocześnie
w Polsce, Czechach, Wielkiej Brytanii, Francji, Belgii, Rumunii, Irlandii, Indiach i
Senegalu jest zwiększenie świadomości uczniów i nauczycieli szkół średnich na temat
problematyki globalnego rozwoju, a w szczególności postępów w realizacji Milenijnych
Celów Rozwoju.

Zakres obowiązków:
• Współpraca z zagranicznymi partnerami
• Współpraca z polskimi nauczycielami i pedagogami
• Organizacja warsztatów i szkoleń w Polsce i za granicą
• Promocja projektu
• Zarządzanie budżetem projektu
• Sporządzanie raportów z przebiegu działań.

• Wiedza z zakresu problematyki globalnego rozwoju
• Doświadczenie współpracy z pedagogami i pracownikami naukowymi
• Doświadczenie trenerskie
• Biegła znajomość języka angielskiego w mowie i piśmie (znajomość języka
francuskiego będzie atutem)
• Udokumentowane doświadczenie koordynacji projektów o wartości powyżej
25 000 EUR

Warunki zatrudnienia:
• Umowa o pracę w wymiarze pełnego etatu
• Wynagrodzenie adekwatne do doświadczenia
Wszystkie zainteresowane osoby prosimy o przesłanie CV oraz listu
motywacyjnego na adres edukacja@partnerspolska.pl do 31 marca 2011.

Post Purim- direction Istambul

How are you?

Ready to travel after Purim party? I hope so because a lot before us!
First pictures from Purim... you can find them on my facebook.. this blog is mostly about education so they might be not appropriate.. :)

Back to the conference. First I would like you to go with me to Istambul by not so new now media technology- blog. We start.. no you can start later.. I have to be at the airport 6:00am on Wednesday 23.03.2011 ! I will be in Istambul not earlier than 11:00 at night.
Occasion is worth of 11 hour break in Munich at the airport during transfer- NGO FORUM 2011

Below draft description for those who don't have time to visit these web sites:


next post will be about some seminars that I found out and jobs in NGO's

Tomorrow some pictures from Purim Krakow made by TSKŻ and from Rossman and my before-seminar shopping. Joking! I won't force you to watch all this...

Kisses to people of my leadership program miNYanim made by Sochnut .. but this case merit for separate post.



1. Give a civil society dimension to the implementation of the White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue adopted by the Committee of Ministers in May 2008 and the Council of Europe’s activities in the field of intercultural dialogue and the multicultural challenges facing European societies.

2. Highlight the new multicultural challenges facing European societies.

3. Identify best practice in NGO work in the field of intercultural dialogue in order to launch the development of a Toolkit for the practice of intercultural dialogue so as to address the new challenges.


100 participants, including around 20 Turkish NGOs, 30 international NGOs, 30 national NGOs from South-East Europe and 20 experts.

Forum structure

The Forum themes will be dealt with from the angle of civil society’s contribution to the work of the Council of Europe.

The plenary sessions will place the Forum discussions in the context of the Council of Europe’s achievements and activities, as well as topical developments in Europe. The workshops will focus on the NGOs’ practical experience and exchanges of that experience.

The White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue and the new multicultural challenges facing European societies, as well as the youth dimension, will be dealt with transversally by each of the workshops.

sobota, 19 marca 2011

Written in a train...

Just ten minutes more and I will be in Warsaw. I did not come here for any conference but for PURIM party. Will send you some pictures later. But good news! Next week I am going on a conference FORUM NGO 2011. After the party will send you program, so we will be able to talk a little about it. I am going to represent there Jewish Association Czulent from Krakow but it doesn not mean that I can't represent you! Prepare your questions ... see you after bal!